• Fuente : http://www.mediacast.com/Calendar/95-12-06/Future_Of_Hope/info.html

Wednesday, December 6, 1995

7:00 - 8:00am EST

The Asahi Shimbun and The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity Presents:

Elie Wiesel from Hiroshima

President Nelson Mandela from Pretoria

Prime Minister Shimon Peres from Jerusalem

Former President Jimmy Carter from Atlanta

  • Fuente : https://eliewieselfoundation.org/past-work/

The Future of Hope Conference, Tokyo-Hiroshima, Japan, 1995 (06/12/1995)

Marking the conclusion of the World War II commemorations and the approaching end of the twentieth century, “The Future of Hope” was co-sponsored by The Elie Wiesel Foundation and The Asahi Shimbun, Japan’s largest circulating newspaper. The goal of the conference was to remind the international community of its moral obligation to safeguard the destiny of future generations

World leaders, Nobel Laureates, eminent writers, scientists, physicians, and opinion and business leaders discussed the role of government and culture in the creation of societal hope, democracy and the proliferation of nuclear arms, and the advent and importance of the age of technology. Through intense dialogue and debate which reflected the experience of the past and fears for the future, the Hiroshima conference put forth a declaration that offers the hope of a more humane world order for the twenty-first century. Participants included President Vaclav Havel, President Jimmy Carter, President Nelson Mandela, President Oscar Arias Sánchez, President Shimon Peres, Ted Koppel, and Arthur Gelb.

Extracto TdP El futuro de la esperanza (17/12/1995) (https://elpais.com/diario/1995/12/17/opinion/819154809_850215.html)

"[...] Es rector de la Universidad de Bellas Artes y Música de Tokio, y uno de los participantes en el simposio El futuro de la esperanza, organizado por la Fundación Elie Wiesel y el diario Asahi Shimbun, con motivo del quincuagésimo aniversario del estallido de la primera bomba atómica, que me ha traído a Hiroshima".