Nobel Laureate Vargas Llosa brings literary flair back to Princeton

7 oct. 2013 ... In fall 2010, the Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa was teaching at Princeton when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

This semester, Vargas Llosa is co-teaching a course on his own writings, “The Literary Works of Mario Vargas Llosa in Their Artistic, Intellectual and Political Contexts,” with Efraín Kristal, a visiting professor of comparative literature and the Program in Latin American studies.

Nobel Laureate Vargas Llosa brings literary flair back to Princeton (by Jamie Saxon, Office of Communications). Oct. 7, 2013, noon. At 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8, Vargas Llosa will discuss “Politics and Culture in Latin America” in conversation with Enrique Krauze, a visiting research scholar and lecturer in the Program in Latin American Studies, in McCosh Hall, Room 50. The event is part of Princeton’s Public Lectures Series. Vargas Llosa reflected on his return to Princeton, life after the Nobel and his creative process.

Se traslada a Nueva York y asiste a la Novena Edición de los Premios Women Together, que se realiza en el edificio de las Naciones Unidas. (Fecha exacta desconocida)