Janet Donovan, The 10th Muse…., Hollywood, June 9th, 2014 (Washington, D.C.)

It was a journey into the Fantastic World of Fiction and Film with Mario Vargas Llosa, Alessandro Baricco and Vittorio Storaro that brought together three world renowned artists at Georgetown University’s historic Gaston Hall, an exclusive itinerary made possible by a collaboration between Georgetown University’s Italian Research Institute and The The Embassy of Italy. The three artists were: Nobel Laureate Mario Vargas Llosa (The Greenhouse, The Feast of the Goat, The War of the End of the World), popular novelist and essayist Alessandro Baricco (Silk, Ocean Sea, Novecento: Pianist), and Oscar winning cinematographer Vittorio Storaro (Apocalypse Now, Reds, The Last Emperor) – all of whom joined forces for a symposium about the art of story telling and filmmaking.

, n June 9th, 2014 |

Asiste a la graduación de su nieto Leandro en el Washington International School, de Washington, DC. (Estados Unidos).